an assembly to grow international action for the right to health
Cambios en "Session 1 on building a communication strategy for the social networks working group EN-PHM Eu"
Título (English)
- +Session 1 on building a communication strategy for the social networks working group EN-PHM Eu
Título (Català)
- +Session 1 on building a communication strategy for the social networks working group EN-PHM Eu
Título (Castellano)
- +Session 1 on building a communication strategy for the social networks working group EN-PHM Eu
Descripción (English)
A session for collective learning and reflection aimed at starting to define a strategic approach for a joint communication campaign by PHM and EN
Goals for the session
- To agree on a strategic framework for our communication campaigns
- To set objectives for transformative communication
- To reflect on a communication approach (an understanding of communication) that can help us working more strategicly, more effectively, create a better impact
Through this link you'll be able to see the work, though not editing with us. Please ask us editing access by email.
Descripción (Català)
A session for collective learning and reflection aimed at starting to define a strategic approach for a joint communication campaign by PHM and EN
Goals for the session
- To agree on a strategic framework for our communication campaigns
- To set objectives for transformative communication
- To reflect on a communication approach (an understanding of communication) that can help us working more strategicly, more effectively, create a better impact
Through this link you'll be able to see the work, though not editing with us. Please ask us editing access by email.
Descripción (Castellano)
A session for collective learning and reflection aimed at starting to define a strategic approach for a joint communication campaign by PHM and EN
Goals for the session
- To agree on a strategic framework for our communication campaigns
- To set objectives for transformative communication
- To reflect on a communication approach (an understanding of communication) that can help us working more strategicly, more effectively, create a better impact
Through this link you'll be able to see the work, though not editing with us. Please ask us editing access by email.
Día y hora de inicio
- +2020-06-22 11:30:00 UTC
Día y hora de finalización
- +2020-06-22 13:30:00 UTC
- +Barcelona
Ubicación (English)
- +Jitsi
Ubicación (Català)
- +Jitsi
Ubicación (Castellano)
- +Jitsi