IPHU Community
a space for dialogue and construction among activists
This space is thought for you to come and post your ideas, experiences and calls for action to other Community members. This is more experiencial and cross-topics than the comments you can post in each topic of the "Health for All" space.
This is for you to express yourself freely to the IPHU Community members.
Just click on the "Add a post" button, and speak your mind!
2 debats
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El següent formulari filtra els resultats de la cerca dinàmicament quan es canvien les condicions de la cerca.
Saltar als resultatsEl següent formulari filtra els resultats de la cerca dinàmicament quan es canvien les condicions de la cerca.
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Debat obert
Creat el
14/05/2021 -
- 0
Debat obert
Creat el
08/05/2021 -
- 0