IPHU Community
a space for dialogue and construction among activists
Room 7. Elder / Sauco
Access here to the online meeting room.
This is a space for active participants in the IPHU (only) to meet during the sessions.
So this is your space! Come in and enjoy the conversations and learning from each other.
There are some advise, some recommendations and some rules also for the use of these rooms:
- Respect: Of course this is a place for respect, and this involves giving space for diversity of points of view (which does not exclude a frank and constructive debate), not crossing the limits of cordiality and avoiding any agressivity, and also ensuring that everybody has the same opportunity to speak and make themselves clear.
- Stick as much as possible to the discussion topic of each meeting: Many interesting questions may come out of us diverse participants and activists gathering in a room! However, it makes sense that for the achievement of the goals of the session, and in general of the IPHU, that we focus on the topic we are discussing.
- If there is a facilitator, please help them: Facilitators are there to help reaching the goals of the team meeting and making everyone feel comfortable; please support them by accepting their role and also by trying to support one another.
- Safety -password and visibility-: If you are the first to access the meeting room, please establish a password in the settings (always the same password, the one valid for this IPHU). This helps the safety of every participant in the IPHU (and also avoids potential trolls entering the room); do it always so that if someone needs it to be done, they don't have to go through the uncomfortable situation of asking it. Also at the begining, when you do a round of introduction, please always interact, and if someone in the room refuses to participate, please kick the person out as it would be an "intruder".
- Technical support: Please remember that if you have troubles accessing the room (or other issues), you can find support in the chat of the Telegram group of the IPHU.
That's it!
If you are willing to start, please click on the "Open videoconference" button below!
[ah, and if you'd like to go back to the training platform of the IPHU, we leave you here a link to make it easier]
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Querría compartir mi resumen personal, al haber tenido problemas técnicos para incorporarme a algún grupo hoy:
La interseccionalidad como un prisma que conecta y relaciona las diferentes experiencias personales con las diferentes estructuras y organizaciones (de poder), lo cual permite observar situaciones de privilegios y opresiones, se me revela como gran arma política, fruto del enfoque investigación-acción, para el nacimiento de movimientos u otras acciones para el cambio, finalidad última de todo ello.
Agradezco el aprendizaje y semilla ideológica firme, acompañado de tal infografía, para el florecer de cambios en pro de la equidad.
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