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2. Health models and healthcare systems
In the module Health models and healthcare systems we aim to understand critically the importance of the health models implemented in our societies, the way healthcare systems affect the right to health for all, and we will also explore proposals for social transformation that may bring fairer systems, more accessible, more democratic and better coordinated with social actors.
Why health models are crucial and key perspectives (Joan Benach)
In this video, Joan Benach, Public Health professor and director of GREDS, adresses 3 main questions on health models in the present time.
Healthcare systems: axes, knots, action(Jasmine McGhie)
In this video, Jasmine McGhie from La Cabecera underlines key factors of how healthcare systems are organised, how they affect the right to health, and launches critical questions that should make everyone reflect upon.
Ready for questions like: why does public money for healthcare flow into private pockets? why do we talk about the marginalised and we never point at those who benefit from discrimination ? And many others...
Infographic on Health models and healthcare systems
The following infographic has been created by Carlotta Cataldi with HRA, based on the presentations by Joan Benach and Jasmine McGhie, and collects the most relevant elements of Module 2. Health models and healthcare systems.
We enter here the section on Experiences of Transformation
We are here not just to understand, but to change the board of the game. That is why besides going into the problematic description of reality and discussing what needs to be changed, we can also get inspired by the knowledge on how things are being changed.
So the section on Experiences of transformation is going to feed us with this kind of experiences, so that later we can start imagining our own actions, together and also with our own movements at home.
Small Talks, Big Changes: Leslie y Denis y sus experiencias de transformación de los sistemas sanitarios
Leslie and Denis know each other for some time now. Let us not unveil the mistery now, but they both have been activists in their countries (South Africa, Uganda) and involved in the People's Health Movement for many years. They have experiences in bringing participation as a way to transform healthcare systems in their countries, and they took the opportunity to exchange about those moments.
Come in and watch their conversation:
Now, time for debate and bringing in your opinions
You may react to these presentations and materials the way you prefer, though we may trigger through some questions:
- Your approach: What is your own approach to the perspectives of social determinants, social determination and intersectionality of health? How to integrate a transformative perspective or action on this regard in the struggles for the right to health?
- Using these materials: Do you think these materials could have some use for future trainings and awareness raising actions? (Is there something that should be improved, for it to happen?)
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